This initiative is long overdue: Harvard University should be closed immediately.

An unfortunate reality for many individuals, but a degree from Harvard University can
no longer be considered a source of pride and accomplishment. Now that the truth is known,
any connection to this institution instead carries with it immeasurable shame and revulsion.
There is no escaping the factual history that Harvard was conceived and founded by rich
slave owners, financed with profits from the slave trade, and built using slave labor.

For some unknown reason, this issue is being completely ignored by all those who should
be at the very forefront of social justice and racial equality conversations. But this is an
extremely consequential state of affairs that must be addressed without further delay.
There is not a single rational, reasonable, and conscientious person in the entire world
who would possibly approve or advocate for the continued existence of this facility.

With it’s incomparable and incomprehensible dark and evil history, Harvard University cannot
be allowed to carry on under their false and fraudulent pretentious veneer. Even today, Harvard
serves as the ultimate example of oppression and repression as the racial inequality and gender
discrimination status quo remains unchanged and unchallenged, with the leadership, board
of directors, faculty and staff consisting overwhelmingly of obnoxious, autocratic, elitists.

Additionally, they could be and should be considered the pre-eminent modern day slaveholders,
with their massive financial investments in Communist China, and it’s slave based economy.

And now – as recent events have shown – Harvard University is also completely saturated with an
overwhelming culture of rabid, repugnant, anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic behavior and endorsements.
If there was ever a question before, this proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that, as an institution,
Harvard University is forever cursed with a virulent, pathogenic, and materially defective DNA;
and is hopelessly and shamelessly far beyond even the slightest chance of reformation or redemption.

Harvard University should promptly do the right and honorable thing by relinquishing ownership of the
entire property – as well as other assets including their endowment – as reconciliation and reparations.
If they are not willing to initiate this action on their own, then the Massachusetts governor and the state
legislators should begin proceedings to seize these properties through eminent domain, and to confiscate
all other assets as fair restitution for their extensive record of utterly diabolical crimes against humanity.

The Cambridge campus itself would be a very appropriate location and resource as an exclusive community for
people of minority status, shared of course with our Native American ancestors. Along with a suitably expansive
social and educational infrastructure, it could also serve to alleviate some of the critical housing shortages that
still persist for so many minority residents in Massachusetts; in particular the elderly seniors, and the disabled.

Furthermore, with Harvard transitioning their courses to an online, remote location teaching model,
there is absolutely no need or justification for them to occupy and monopolize so much valuable space.
After proper reparations and reconciliation, Harvard could very easily operate just as effectively from an
office or warehouse in Worcester, Springfield, Fitchburg, Brockton – or even someplace in Alaska.

Now, it should be most clearly noted that with respect to real, meaningful, measurable, effective, positive,
and constructive change, that can actually be seen and felt, lived and experienced by our minority citizens,
all the talk, all the debates, all the protests, all the graffiti, and all statue removals across the country have
accomplished absolutely nothing. In fact, these actions have been clearly counter-productive and shamefully
misguided to say the least; tragically, horrendously destructive, and extremely costly, reaching many millions
of dollars that could have otherwise gone towards food, housing, and other assistance for those in need.
And other popular initiatives, such as re-naming streets, schools, and military bases, are equally short-sighted,
shallow-minded, and will have the same results: millions of dollars wasted, with absolutely no practical benefit.

Those proposals are quite obviously nothing more than political posturing – at it’s worst; just cheap talk
and symbolic gestures only, that offer no tangible benefits whatsoever to people who need better living
conditions. At this point, we don’t need more talk, or more symbolism; we need systemic change.
If we as a society are truly committed and genuinely sincere about our obligation to rectify the
misdeeds and injustices of the past, we must do much more that just talk, prophesize, and symbolize.

Closing Harvard now, and re-purposing their properties to those in need, would represent an authentic,
legitimate, and properly consequential step towards a resolution of these issues. This would be an extremely
positive change of circumstances for a great number of disenfranchised and deserving individuals, and truly
is the only acceptable and realistic action to be taken at this most critical time in our nation’s history.

Simply put: It’s just the right thing to do, it should have happened many years ago, and we most definitely
should not wait any longer. And, knowing the truth – as social justice, racial, and gender equality advocates
and leaders –  if we  don’t recognize this opportunity and join together to reach this objective, then we will
have failed miserably in our duties, and we would be in a very real sense just as guilty as those responsible
for the atrocities committed by this institution and others across the country that engaged in similar behavior.

We are calling on all civilized people, and every elected official and sincerely concerned and devoted human rights
and social justice advocate – from across the state, the country, and the world – to join together in this most righteous
endeavor; embrace this initiative, get involved, share with others, and take peaceful, positive action towards this goal.

